
I know. It’s been AGES since I last posted anything…but there is a good reason….my entire life, or rather most of it has turned upside down. Let me tell you why:
1. By the end of this month my position at work will no longer exist. Yes, that’s right. I am being made redundant. Oh you ask if I have any job lined up? NOPE! I have no idea what’s going to happen from January 2016.

2. My boyfriend met with a tragic road accident which literally shook my world. It was 2 weeks of HELL and a few more days after, but the bright side? HE IS ALIVE & WELL! 🙂 What more could I ask for?

3. Well I can’t exactly say this here, but it was another eye-opening incident for me and it’s also changed a lot in my life.

So now, after all this, and a few things here and there, I am seriously considering writing a book. And why not? Why not share these stories with the world and who knows maybe someone somewhere will be positively affected by my words right?

Any thoughts? Tips?

By the way, life really is short and anything can happen within seconds. So never ever take anything or anyone for granted because you don’t know when you will see them next or what condition they will be in. Ask me…I’m talking from experience!!!!!!!



The Newbie Make-up Bee

Okay, so I’m no makeup guru and I don’t put on a ‘perfect face’ everyday, but I look presentable in the office and when I’m out. But I would definitely like to know more about makeup, beauty products, how they work etc. But the difficult thing is that I wouldn’t know where to start. Do you learn by taking a short course, watching videos on YouTube or learning from a makeup artist that you know OR from someone who cakes on makeup everyday? Not everyone has access to all or most of these options. What happens then?

As for caking on makeup, for me, that is a complete NO-NO! I wouldn’t take advice from someone who does that nor would I do so myself!
It’s makeup, and its supposed to enhance your beauty. Not cover it up!

In my opinion, I would start with shopping around. And no I don’t mean buying anything and everything and then not knowing what to do with it or how to use it. But window shop. See what’s out there, talk to the people selling the makeup, see if they can advise you. Oh, and I would also take a friend who has some knowledge in this field.
Then, obviously, read up on various makeup techniques or watch videos – easy ones to start off with if you have absolutely no idea what to do. After, that gradually progress towards the more difficult methods, and with practice become better and better! (Practice does make perfect!)

I hope this does help. And if you have any thoughts/ideas, please do comment & share!

How to match your socks to your suit?

Match Your Socks with Your Trousers, Not Your Shoes

When wearing suit trousers or casual ones, aside from jeans, the colour of your socks be chosen based on the colour of your trousers and not by the shade or colour of your shoes. Dark jeans or trousers will clearly go with dark socks, and brown trousers with brown socks. The same goes for blue and grey jeans or trousers. Pick your socks carefully for trousers in different tones. Experiment with a few pairs of socks that you own so as to figure out which socks match your jeans or trousers best. If you’re in doubt, a darker colour generally works better.

The reason it’s so important to match socks with your trousers is so that you are prepared in case you need to take your shoes off or take a seat and have your socks be exposed. The essential rule…

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Men’s worst fashion sins

Gentlemen, men & boys….

Fashion is the perfect way to express your personality and individuality, it is also the best way to make a good, or bad, first impression on people you meet. How you dress and the attention you pay to your appearance can make a difference when it comes to the opinion someone forms of you and how much you are respected, trusted and ultimately liked.  To look like a gentleman it is important to pay attention to the small details and ensure everything about your appearance is perfect, giving you the look you actually desire. Here you will find some of men’s worst fashion sins, these are all fashion mistakes you should avoid making at all costs.

Socks Mistakes:                       

For some reason, socks are one of the most common items of clothing worn completely wrong, you should not:

  • Wear socks with shorts.
  • Wear socks with sandals.
  • Wear white socks with…

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Five Must-have Fashion Pieces You Should Own When You Are 25


When you are young girls, you should pay more attention to the style of clothes. However, you should pay more attention to the quality of the clothes. Do not always follow the steps of the fashion. Instead, you’d stick to basic and classic styles. There are some fashion pieces you should own when you are 25 years old.

A good quality white blouse

A well-tailored and good quality blouse is must have for every mature woman. It’s very easy to match clothes with a white blouse. You may wear it in your office, or you may wear it for outing activity. About the fabrics, I would suggest you to choose fabrics with tough texture like cotton or flowing and soft fabrics like silk. In a word, fabric that is not easy to wrinkle is your first choice.

white blouse

A classic little black dress

Little black dress is one of the fashion…

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6 Essential Pregnancy Fashion Tips

Mommies…this one is for you! 🙂

Being pregnant is one of the many natural blessings in life. It will bring you new adventures, new curves, new emotions and new priorities. Your life will never be the same (in a great way!) after this new, beautiful baby comes. At Sweet Threads,we love our babies, which is why we want to give you some essential tips on how to style that beautiful bump before the big day.

Maternity fashion has become a booming industry, with celebrities and everyday women choosing to accentuate and celebrate their pregnant bodies. It is easier than ever to find comfortable, figure-flattering, modern maternity clothing. But it can be, at times, more of a challenge than a treat. Over the last few years, new emerging clothing companies have emphasized that being pregnant doesn’t have to deter you from wearing the looks you desire. We have found some helpful tips to dress your…

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Coral Brings Summer to Black & White

Hot combination.

And can be modified in the workplace, with a jacket and simple but elegant black heels. Or black court shoes.

Izmir Chic

Coral Brings Summer to Black & White


Frame Denim leather skirt

Carvela high heel shoes
$230 –

Givenchy clutch

Art deco jewelry

Givenchy clear mascara

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